A Few Benefits Of Having A Veterinarian Come For A House Call

Posted on: 3 December 2018


In general, pets and animals do not get sick as often as human beings. In many situations, you may never even know that your pet was sick with a sore throat or something similar. Of course, if you notice that an animal is not acting normal or has obvious signs of being ill, you make an appointment with a veterinarian, like those at Oakton Animal Hospital. However, do you take the patient into the doctor's office or ask that the vet come to you? There are definite benefits of having the doctor come to you, even if it is going to mean a larger bill. Here are a few things to consider.

Comfort for the Pet

Animals in pain or sick are under a lot of stress. Going to the doctor is also stressful for them. This can make the problem more serious than it actually is. Whether you know the animal is ill or you are just worried that something might be wrong, having the vet come to you will keep the stress to a minimum. This will not only help the patient to heal quicker, but will also give the doctor a better indication of how the pet is feeling. While all vets understand that a sick or injured animal can behave aggressively when you are able to keep the animal comfortable, it reduces the likelihood of the doctor being bitten or harmed.

Checking the Living Environment

Sometimes, the cause of an injury or disease can only be determined when the doctor visits the home and can look at the living environment. There could be a poisonous plant on the property you did not know about that causes your pet to have allergic reactions. A house call will also allow the vet the opportunity to see the animal in its own place. They can watch how other animals interact with it and how much room it has for exercising. 


Some animals cannot be put into a car and taken to the doctor. If you have to find special arrangements to get your pet to the vet, it is going to be much easier to just have the doctor come to you. 

Of course, if you have a pet that may have a contagious disease, it is always best to have the vet determine if it should stay at home or if it needs to be hospitalized. In addition, if you have a sick pet, taking it to a doctor's office where it may be exposed to other diseases is not a good idea.